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Rainbow Soccer Jerseys Don't Reduce Harassment.

They Provoke It 


Public Discourse, Jun 18, 2018

CitGO USA turf.png

US Soccer’s Rainbow Pride Jerseys Exclude and Divide 


Public Discourse, Jun 13, 2017


Yes to Soccer,

No to Politics."

Read about
how political symbols on the kit
violate FIFA regulations and
ways FIFA is failing to enforce its own rules.

Three Ways Trump

Can Fight

Wokeness in Sports, Dec. 5, 2024

American Football

LGBT Rainbow Laces

for Your Child's

Soccer Cleats


American Greatness, Sept. 6, 2019

"In this era of identity politics, soccer coaches now help children break the rules

instead of teaching children

to follow the rules."

Sports and Religious Freedom: Challenges and Opportunities Today


USCCB First Freedom blog,

May 29, 2019

Interview with Jennifer Bryson:
Inclusion, Sports, and Civil Society
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops "First Freedom Podcast"
USCCB Podcast




Family Research Council

in Washington, DC

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Interview with Jennifer Bryson:
Should soccer teams for girls and women be required to allow males who identify as female on their teams? Should female soccer players be required to compete against teams with male players? 12:35 - 24:11
Also, listen to a mom explain what happened when her daughter had to compete against males in girls track events. 05:00 - 12:34.

The Problem with Athletes Using the National Anthem to Protest


Public Discourse, June 6, 2019

"It’s one thing to participate in the hard work of governance to effect change. We are fortunate we have a political system that allows us to have a voice, to effect change inside the system. It’s another thing altogether, however, to express rejection of the system itself by rejecting national symbols. Degrading core national symbols undermines the system itself."


End Iranian and American Garment Coercion in

Sports and Games


Public Discourse, Feb 4, 2019

"Women visiting Iran for international sports and game tournaments should not have to wear an Islamic headcover to be eligible to compete. US athletes should not have to wear a political symbol to play soccer. Everyone should have the freedom to compete without garment coercion."

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Honour AbleA 3-minute film about an American company making sports hijabs and modest sports attire for women.


Directed by Bess Blackburn, Produced by Jennifer S. Bryson

"In a world filled with inter-religious tensions, precisely non-religious activities such as sports can provide a public space in which those who are different can find ways to participate together."

The Hijab Hurdle in Sports


by Jennifer S. Bryson and Sajda Ouachtouki,

Contending Modernities, June 17, 2011

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

© 2023 by Jennifer S. Bryson.

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